My parents have just scored tickets to HM in Houston for my 6yo niece, and believe me, it was a big deal. What idols and trends are your kids into these days? Anyone willing to share their views from inside and outside the Verizon Center on Monday night or any other recent Hannah Montana concert? Ugh: Hummer limos, wigs, sparkling clothes, fingerless gloves and girl shrieking at rock-concert decibel levels? The latest peer-inspired Star Wars-bad-guys phase flying through our house seems so tame in comparison! Freedom du Lac described the crowd: 'It was a sea of body glitter, blond wigs, Day-Glo 'Rock Star' and 'Princess' T-shirts and fingerless gloves.' Inside the Verizon Center, The Washington Post's J.
But there was just something so sleazy about it. For those girls it was probably the time of their life and all they'll talk about for awhile.
Stretch Hummer limos filled with girls belting out Hannah Montana songs. Here was the scene: Girls around seven or eight decked out in sparkly clothing.
She and her husband, non-parents who are unofficial second parents to my children, were dining near the Verizon Center on Monday night when the crowds started arriving for the Hannah Montana concert. So started the phone call the other night from my sister-in-law.